Elodie's Library of Second Chances by Rebecca Raisin - Review


Elodie's Library of Second Chances by Rebecca Raisin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellie just wants a normal life and she dreams about being a librarian and making her own choices. When the opportunity comes, she leaves all behind and pursues her dream. However, her old life keeps knocking on her door and her new challenges sometimes seem impossible to overcome.
I became a fan of Rebecca Raisin last year, so when I saw this book I knew I had to read it.
The author has a way of creating uplifting stories that make your heart smile and this book was not the exception. In this story, we can find hope, friendship and love. It also makes you think about all those times when people is judged without knowing their true story and it makes you remember that we all have struggles and sometimes what we need is a kind soul to listen to us, to be there for us. Moreover, we can be on the other end as well and help people all around us.
The romance story was well balanced with the rest and even when I did not love the insta-love I think Elodie and Finn are a really cute couple.
Overall, I really enjoyed it and I finished it with a warm feeling deep inside, and sometimes that is exactly what one needs.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for digital copy

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