The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas (Review)

The Spanish Love Deception was and enjoyable read that deals with the enemies-to-lovers and fake dating tropes in a very interesting way.
On one side, we have Lina, a Spanish woman trying to do her best at work but failing a little bit in the romantic area. On the other side, we have Aaron who is Lina’s enemy and soon to be boss and until now has been a real pain in the neck for her. When Lina must attend her sister’s wedding but has no date whatsoever, and then Aaron volunteers, things start to be weird… is it just and act?
TSLD was a book I had wanted to read for a while and it was indeed a very enjoyable story. However, I thought it was too descriptive, it felt long and tedious in some parts and sometimes I could not stand Lina. To be honest she was exasperating a bit too flat, I just could not see her as Aaron described her. Aaron is dreamy, almost too perfect, actually.
The book has good moments; there is romance, laughs and a sexy feel that I am sure many would enjoy reading. I would definitely try Armas’ future books, and let us hope we get more of Aaron.



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