The Paris Seamstress

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I constantly find myself saying that any book related or set in Paris is bound to draw me in, and that is completely true. But I’m also very interested in books set during the war. This book seemed to have it all, and it delivered.
In The Paris Seamstress, we can find a story about the war, about fashion and a story about family and about love.
I found every chapter to be interesting; the characters were complex and brought something to the story (I loved Will!). The story itself was very intriguing and with the POV of our two main characters, you start to put the pieces of the story together. The pace was great, easy to follow and fast to read, I often found myself reading way more than what I’d said I would read.
I loved reading about fashion, and while the Paris part is not as big as I’d like, I loved reading about how Estella joins Paris fashion with NY’s. I liked Fabienne’s story as well, and as I said, I loved Will, and Liss.
The book also broke my heart a little, in several moments but the ending was what I expected to be.
Natasha Lester certainly did a great job by writing this book and without a doubt I’ll read more of her books.



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